Can you guess the percentage of workforce that spends more than 85% of healthcare dollars for an employer?
written 01/14/2016
According to AHRQ, the top 25 percent of the population accounts for 86.7 percent of total health care expenditures. The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) collects information regarding the cost and utilization of health care, highlighting in this particular article* the concentration of expenditures among adults with costly conditions. According to data from this survey, the most costly of medical conditions are chronic illnesses such as heart disease and COPD. MEPS data has also consistently shown that one in four adults is treated for chronic conditions every year.
*Cohen, S. The Concentration of Health Care Expenditures and Related Expenses for Costly Medical Conditions, 2012. October 2014. Statistical Brief #455. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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