What is the right tool for evaluating wellness programs?
written 02/11/2016
The Society for Human Resource Management has published a series on “Effective Practice Guidelines” to evaluate worksite wellness programs. The necessary tools and techniques for a cost-effective wellness program that enhances employees’ quality of life are defined in a most recent publication (2014). While much research regarding the effectiveness of these programs is targeted at the value of a Return-on-Investment (ROI), Dr. Chenoweth also notes the importance of Claims Data Analysis, Risk Factor Cost Appraisal, and Break-Even Analysis. Deciding which structure fits your clients best can be difficult, but at Benefit Performance Associates, home to the Integrated Health Advocacy Program (IHAP), all of these reports are available to you.
*Chenoweth, D. “Evaluating Worksite Wellness: Practical Applications for Employers.” SHRM Foundation’s Effective Practice Guideline Series. (2014). SHRM Foundation. Web. January 2016. https://www.shrm.org/about/foundation/products/Documents/12-14%20Evaluating%20Wellness%20EPG-FINAL.pdf
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